Racquel Vasquez

Racquel Vasquez

Mayor of Lemon Grove

(619) 335-5571



Top issues regarding black people

Systemic racism is real and we must deal with it. Yes, we are different, imperfect and human, let’s own it! As a leader, I know that when we reach critical mass, it is important to make adjustments to align our policies and procedures in support of our core American values. I know that more equitable outcomes for everyone can be achieved if we dig down deep to have uncomfortable conversations to explore the root cause of racism and inequality. When we know better, we can do better. This is the only way we will be able to eliminate racial disparities in support of the American dream.

Other general issues

My vision is to support the people, but also the founders of the city. There are ways to ensure that the budget is sound and move forward with projects and programs that benefit people today and their children of tomorrow.

33% of the people in Lemon Grove are not working and the last thing they need to worry about is food on the table. With a food distribution every Saturday since April, to date it has provided over 3,000 carloads of food.

There is highly qualified staff working tirelessly to attract new business to the city, and even though it sits in the midst of COVID, it currently has 272 storefronts and home-based business permits on file, with new businesses coming soon.

Top campaign needs (signatures, donations, volunteers, etc.)

Mayor Racquel Vasquez is running for re-election. Let’s help her continue to serve as the first and only black woman Mayor in San Diego County. 

Do you want to volunteer, make phone calls, walk door-to-door while social distancing or host a Zoom “fun-raising” or fundraising party? If you would like to get involved with the campaign, send an email to Racquel4Mayor@gmail.com.

Now is the time to help Mayor Vasquez with the financial support she needs to win this race. To donate $20 or more, click the link below to make a contribution or mail a check to the address below. You can donate any amount up to $1,000.

 Paypal: www.paypal.com/paypalme/RacquelVasquez

Mail Checks to:

Racquel Vasquez for Mayor 2020

PO Box 380

Lemon Grove, CA 91946



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