Waisted Spiritually

Waisted Spiritually
Business Genre
Business Owner Name
Rochelle H.
Short Business Description
Handcrafted Waist bead design; Waist beads can be described as African technology and are tools that are worn around your waist and hip regions to help you with setting intentions, tracking your weight, and beautifying your body.
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Long Business Description

Our Mission at Waisted Spiritually is to empower and align your souls’ purpose with hand-crafted tools, that will help navigate and guide your spirit through its personal journey of discovery, self-love, worth, acceptance and pride! Our intention is to help you remember your soul’s purpose. I have chosen to craft and sell Waist beads because I asked the Universe to give me something that I was passionate about, to provide me with my souls purpose, so that I could help myself and others during these life cycles. Waisted Spiritually represents S E L F A C C E P T A N C E. Which is being aware of ones strengths + weaknesses, having realistic appraisals of ones talents, capabilities and worth. This is vital for mental health, as everything starts from within. If you have no love for yourself, you have no love to give. We are here to help you become balanced with yourself and the energies around you. These strands are tools, that will help and assist you, they are not magic, but you bring the magic to them by doing the work and setting your intentions. Listen to your beads, they will be your most honest friend. You will know once it has served its purpose. Waisted Spiritually is inspired by love, with each strand there is love vibrating through. I want to be the glue that bonds and connects your intentions to your soul’s purpose.

Remember to always Love and Accept yourself, Empower others and stay Beautiful!

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  • Waisted Spiritually
  • Waisted Spiritually

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